Our Mission


Meaning Behind the Name

Fortunately, children are born with a sense of wonder and amazement. They are naturally curious, filled with imagination, and have a special ability to see the beauty and good surrounding them during day to day life.


Our children are always learning, questioning, and wondering. If they see us living in awe, then they will be set for their own full life of wonder of creation, while respecting the Creator. You see… awe TRANSFORMS US. Imagine the world we could live in if we all viewed the world through the eyes of a child. If we as adults are living in awe, then we can see the wonder of creation and respect the One that created it all. What a way to LIVE! That is our drive and purpose with Awe + Wonder Co. We want to spread the love of Jesus while encouraging you all to experience the awe and wonder He created with your children. God expects us to raise and instruct our babies through His Word. Children need direction from their parents, but also someone who can share these moments of awe and wonder with them. We need to model, respond, preserve, nourish, enrich, and sustain these special moments in our lives.

These moments are truly all around us. Take the time. Pour into your children. Listen to them. Guide them.. and most of all love them with all your heart. 

VERSE: “Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 18: 3-4